Billing Policies

Stock Items

Chemistry Stores bills customers weekly from our new POS system which loads into the new Workday system.  We are in the process of working through the kinks and bugs of a new system.  Please be patient with us through this transition.   If you have any billing questions, please contact Mikayla Showers, 515-294-0200,

Special Orders

Chemistry Stores bills customers for special order items as we receive the invoice for that item from the vendor. This may mean that some special order items are billed out in a few days and others are billed out weeks later. Orders that contain multiple items may be billed out in stages if the items are invoiced from the vendor separately. If you have any billing questions, please contact Mikayla Showers, 515-294-0200,

Gas Cylinder Rental / Demurrage

Rental fees for our stock gases and for our special order gases are charged at a daily rate from the day the cylinder is delivered to the customer to the day it is returned to the Chemistry Stores dock. Chemistry Stores has implemented a new POS system that will allow us to bill the rental fees out as they come in.  At any time you have questions, feel free to contact Mikayla Showers, 515-294-0200,