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Theresa Windus

Theresa Windus

Distinguished Professor & Department Chair 

Javier Vela

Javier Vela

  • University Professor & Associate Chair



Gilman Hall Building Information

1605 Gilman Hall
2415 Osborn Drive
Iowa State University
Ames, IA 50011-1021

Phone: (515) 294-6342

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Parking lots near Gilman


Chemistry Stores
Phone: 515-294-0203

Graduate office
Phone: (515) 294-7810

Undergraduate Office
Phone: (515) 294-6352

ISU Phone/Email Directory

Hach Hall

Hach Hall Building Information

Basement - Physical and Analytical Research Laboratories

First Floor - Public areas, Teaching Functions, Chemical Instrumentation Facilities

Second and Third Floors - Synthetic Research Laboratories


Glass, aluminum and LED lights make up the new multipaneled sculpture in Hach Hall. Elements and molecular models were the inspiration for "elemental" by Seattle-based artist Norie Sato.

Behind the Artwork

See this building on the online campus map

Parking lots near Hach

Features of Hach Hall Include:

  • Flexible research laboratory spaces and casework to allow the department to respond effectively to changes in research teams, research topics, equipment, and techniques. This will ensure appropriate space for innovative research as the department grows. Special features include an isolated basement floor system for vibration suppression to accommodate ultra-sensitive instrumentation.
  • Technologically advanced teaching laboratories (organic and general chemistry) to promote interactive, hands-on science exploration and learning. New student labs are designed with spaces for modern instrumentation. Larger labs facilitate group instruction and enhance student engagement.
  • Centralized service facilities, to accommodate major research instrumentation for analytical support of ongoing research programs and student training.
  • Classrooms and interaction spaces to provide students with distinctive learning experiences. Several interaction areas throughout the building will encourage planned and spontaneous discussions, brainstorming, and outreach sessions among students, faculty and staff.
  • LEED Certification to meet the university's green initiative and conservation goals. Sustainable design and construction includes extensive use of natural daylight throughout the building to minimize artificial lighting, automated lighting with occupancy sensors, low-flow fume hoods with energy recovery, chilled water recirculation and rainwater reclamation for efficient water usage, low VOC construction products, and extensive use of recycled materials.

To reserve the Hach Hall Atrium, please contact Taylor Gerdes by email at