Department Forms

Key/Card Access Request Form

This form is used to request department keys for labs and offices in Hach and Gilman Hall. It is also used to request outside door access to Gilman and card access to Hach.

Once you have completed this form, please email it or bring it to the department admin in 1605 Gilman.

Chemical Services (CIF) Authorization Form

This form is available from the Chemical Instrumentation Facility (CIF) website. You can find the form here.

Once you have completed this form, please email it or bring it to the department secretary in 1605 Gilman.

Major Professor Preference Form

During your first semester, you will meet with professors to determine which research group you would like to join. Use this form to record your meetings with the professors (at least 3). They will need to sign this form to certify that you met with them.

Once you have completed this form, please email it or bring it to the Graduate Student Services Specialist.

Registration Worksheet Form

This form is only for first semester, first year students! Students who have completed their first semester can register on AccessPlus at any time.

Once you have completed this form, please email it to the Graduate Student Services Specialist.

Committee Appointment Agreement Form

During your second semester and over the summer, you will work with your major professor to determine which professors would be best for your Program of Study committee (POS committee). Use this form to collect signatures from the professors who have agreed to be part of your committee.

Once you have completed this form, please email it to the Graduate Student Services Specialist.

Annual POSC Meeting Form

This form serves as a record for the POSC meeting that you will have with your POS committee members each year. NOTE: Prelimary exams satisfy the 3rd year POSC meeting requirement and do not require this form.

Once you have completed your POSC meeting for the year, please complete this form and email it to the Graduate Student Services Specialist.

Seminar Record Form

This form serves as a record for the seminar/oral presentation that every graduate student must complete to satisfy the seminar graduate requirement. An oral presentation to the chemistry department or at a regional, well recognized discipline specific, national or international meeting may satisfy this requirement.

Once you have presented, please complete this form and email it to the Graduate Student Services Specialist.

Request for Support Form

This form is used to request department support to extend your PhD program for a 6th/7th/8th year.

Once you have completed this form, please email it to the Graduate Student Services Specialist.

Check Out Form

This form is used to check out from the PhD program. Please email the Graduate Student Services Specialist (Sarah Norvell, for this form.