Undergraduate Student Info

TA Opportunities

Teaching assistants in the chemistry department supervise and teach recitations and laboratories.

Learning Outcomes and Assessments

Discover how success is measured in the Chemistry program.

Chemistry Help Room

The Chemistry Department has two help centers offering free assistance to any student needing help with chemistry.


You’ll find support from your peers, faculty, and staff when you join a learning community. Learn about your path of study, on-campus resources and activities, and future careers. You’ll connect with faculty and students through activities both in and outside the classroom and collaborate with a peer mentor.

Connect with other students developing innovative and entrepreneurial skills in the Start Something LAS Academy. Or find other students with similar interests in any of Iowa State’s hundreds of student organizations.

students with computers around a table

Connect and thrive

Iowa State is a big university with a close-knit, caring community that provides access to resources that support and enrich your learning, working, and living experience.

The university provides a comprehensive network of academic supporthealth and safety resources, and supportive communities.