Our department is home to an exciting multidisciplinary program that applies the fundamental principles of organic chemistry to address complex challenges of national and global significance. Particular areas of expertise include organic synthesis, catalysis and the development of new methods, biomimetic chemistry, materials chemistry and more.
Organic synthesis. From medicinally relevant compounds to photochemically active materials, the development of new methods to access molecules is a critical discipline to all research projects in our department. These efforts are supported by dedicated efforts in catalysis that lead to greener and more efficient synthetic processes.
Physical Organic Chemistry. From short-lived reactive intermediates to the mechanistic rollercoaster of a chemical reaction, physical organic chemistry answers the how? and why? of organic chemistry, arming students with the tools to address questions across numerous disciplines.
Photochemistry. The behavior of molecules in the excited states can be dramatically different from the ground state, which can lead to a whole host of new reactivity.
Supramolecular Chemistry. From polymers to nanomaterials, the ability to design and manipulate nanoscale assemblies with molecular precision promises new advances in sensor technology, smart materials, and bio-inspired systems that function through self-assembly.
Chemical Biology. Biology is governed by the fundamental principles of chemistry, giving chemists a unique and powerful toolset to tackle important problems at the interface between chemistry and biology. Areas of expertise include biomimetic materials, development of improved diagnostics, peptide chemistry, imaging, and delivery.
Bio-renewable Chemistry. The cost and environmental impact of feedstocks derived from fossil-fuels compels the development of sustainable chemical technologies. We are pursuing efforts to develop high-value bio-based products from agricultural and forestry feedstocks.