A quest towards practical large area organic photovoltaics for unique power applications (Virtual)

A quest towards practical large area organic photovoltaics for unique power applications (Virtual)

Sep 25, 2020 - 1:10 PM
to , -

Dr. Greg Welch, University of Calgary

Host: Dr. Rossini

Organic photovoltaics have been an active area of study since the late 1980s. The ability to convert light into electric energy in an affordable and versatile manner using such ‘plastic’ photovoltaics is very attractive. Researchers around the world continue to develop new materials, optimize devices, and understand operation which has resulted in ever increasing power conversion efficiencies. As chemists, developing new photoactive organic materials that not only increase performance but can enable large scale manufacturing is still a challenging area. A recent goal has been to move away from fullerene base systems (1). In the pursuit of new materials to replace fullerenes, our research group has gravitated towards using classic dyes. This presentation will cover our work over the last four years at UofC in the design and practical synthesis of organic conjugated molecules based upon ‘dye stuffs’ (2,3,4), use as non-fullerene acceptors in both spin-coated and printed organic photovoltaics (5,6,7), and compare and contrast them to published state-of-the-art systems. Applications for indoor light recycling will also be discussed.


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(1) Hou, Inganäs, Friend, and Gao. Nature Materials, 2018, 17, 119-128

(2) Welch, Chemical Communications. 2018. 54, 11443-11446

(3) Welch, Chemical Communications. 2017. 53, 10169-10171

(4) Welch, Chemistry of Materials. 2017. 29, 1309-1314

(5) Welch, Journal of Materials Chemistry-C 2020, 10.1039/D0TC03614E

(6) Welch, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2019, 11, 49, 46017–46025

(7) Welch, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2019, 11, 42, 39010–39017