Seminar: Nontraditional Careers for Chemists/Scientists: Thinking Outside the Beaker
Abstract: A chemistry background prepares you for much more than just a laboratory career. The broad science education, analytical thinking, research methods, and other skills learned are of value to a wide variety of types of employers, and essential for a plethora of types of positions. By understanding your own personal values and interests, you can make informed decisions about what career paths to explore, and identify positions that match your values. This talk will discuss a variety of nontraditional careers for chemists, including chemical information, patent work, technical writing, education, human resources, sales and marketing, and much more. We will discuss typical tasks, education or training requirements, and personal characteristics that make for a successful career in each field, illustrated with specific examples. Valuable tips and advice about planning career transitions will also be provided.
Bio: Lisa M. Balbes has been an independent consultant for over 25 years. A traditional resume is available, as well as a publication list and list of awards she has won. Recent projects include scientific writing, web site development and consulting. She has a professional profile on, and has been mentioned in the popular press. She does volunteer work for a number of professional and charitable organizations, and in her spare time practices all types of needlework, and haunts St Louis Area needlework shops. She also has two children. She is the current keeper of the Troop 352 Patch Blanket. One current quest is to find missing classmates from the Kirkwood High School class of 1981, where she was Lisa Marie Rosenberger. If you are one, or know one, please contact her. Mark Balbes provides technical and programming support, and Miles the Office Rabbit provided paper shredding and comic relief. That job has now been taken over by Caesar and Octavia.