Workshop 3: ChemIDP: Planning for Your Career (ACS Career Workshop, Virtual) – for graduate students and postdocs ONLY

Workshop 3: ChemIDP: Planning for Your Career (ACS Career Workshop, Virtual) – for graduate students and postdocs ONLY

Oct 19, 2021 - 2:30 PM
to Oct 19, 2021 - 4:00 PM

Speaker: Dr. Lisa Balbes, ACS Career Consultant (Balbes Consultants LLC)

Host: Dr. Joe Burnett & Ames Local Section of the ACS

ChemIDP is an Individual Development Plan tool designed specifically for graduate students and postdoctoral scholars in the chemical sciences. Through immersive, self-paced activities, users identify career goals, determine specific skills needed for success, and develop a plan to achieve their professional goals. This 90-minute workshops walks you through the process for using ChemIDP.

Attendance at the workshop requires an RSVP by Sunday October 17th: click here or visit:

Biography of Dr.Balbes: